Saturday, May 30, 2020

Why You Need to Bring Your Whole Self to Work

Why You Need to Bring Your Whole Self to Work We all know about organic products and foods but is it possible to have an organic employee experience? And what does it mean to be truly organic? Does such a thing exist? Well if theres one person who can answer that, then its  Andres Traslavina who is Director of Global Recruiting at Whole Foods Market. This  American supermarket chain specializes in selling organic products and has some 500 stores in North America and the United Kingdom. Have a listen to the episode below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher Radio, Google Play or Soundcloud. In this episode youll learn: What kind of employee experience they give their staff What its really like to work for an organic company Why their approach to employer branding is unique to them Why happiness is one of their core values Why their customers end up becoming employees All about their Four Pillars Connect with Andres on LinkedIn

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

From Stuck at Work to Jumping Out of Bed QA (Podcast #58) - Classy Career Girl

From Stuck at Work to Jumping Out of Bed QA (Podcast #58) Today we are diving into our second day of the Fall in Love With Your Work and Life challenge. I had a ton of great questions that came in about how to figure out what step to take first when you are making a career transition. This podcast today shares exactly what you need to do that will make all the difference in creating amazing results for your career success. Click here to access the discussion about the first challenge. Alright, let’s dive into today’s podcast! Today’s podcast is a previously recorded Facebook Live but I hope you enjoy the informal nature of these podcasts because I get to be myself a little more. I hope you realize I am just like one of you. I started where you are and just took baby steps to getting the knowledge and expertise that I needed to launch my dream career. So hopefully you get to see the goofy fun side of me in these Facebook Live recorded podcasts too. That is my hope!! Also, note that depending on when you are listening to this, our Love Your Career formula membership community may be open. We only open it at select times per year but if you love what I teach her in this podcast and want to dive deeper and get my specific action plans each week to determine what your ideal career is and then find it, Love your career formula is definitely for you. You can learn more and add your name to the waiting list or see if it’s open right now at, from stuck to jumping out of bed! Alright, let’s dive into today’s podcast!  Challenge #2: Make a Non-negotiable Commitment From Stuck at Work to Jumping Out of Bed QA Making the commitment always opens up a world of possibilities. It just takes you to say right now, “I can and I will be a success no matter what.” Make it a non-negotiable that I will use my “best self” from day 1 in my work and life. It is hard work! But the least hard work is this commitment process! Share in the Classy Career Girl Network Facebook community what your commitment is. Here are some commitments some of the women are making: Leah: I am committed to living my dream life which will use my God given gifts to help others become their authentic selves! Cynthia: I am committed to completing my business plan, learn with a mastery mindset as I create, and work diligently to make my business a meaningful success. Stefania: I am committed to staying positive no matter what setbacks I may have to my goals Yolanda: Im committed to being who God says I am and being diligent to making my dream a success #mrsworldwide Temi: I am committed to getting my dream job as financial controller /CFO. I am committed to completing my CPA certification exams no matter what. Keep them coming! Let us support and help you! How to Know If You Are Ready for a Career Change? I have a career satisfaction quiz.  Click here to download the quiz. Here’s how you know you need a change. 1) You are not valued, rewarded or appreciated. 2) You are no longer challenged. 3) You don’t trust your company. 4) You have lost your excitement and passion for you job. 5) You just know in your gut. Commit to practicing. You won’t be the best at day 1. Imperfect action. The world needs what you know!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to Combat Burnout in Your Career

How to Combat Burnout in Your Career Even those of us who love our careers can start to feel less motivated. In fact, recent studies show women are suffering burnout before they even turn 30. Being tired earlier on in the day, a more negative attitude, and generally feeling drained are all tell-tale signs. It’s an awful feeling, but your reaction neednt be too drastic; you don’t have to start looking for another job, but you should take it seriously. Your attitude in the workplace affects not only your productivity but also those around you. Use Your Free Time Wisely Effectively balancing both your personal and professional life is perhaps the most important thing you can do. Be careful that you dont start to neglect the people that are important to you and ensure you make the most of any time you have off work, whether this means catching up with friends or a having a solo Netflix marathon in your pajamas. If you have any sick days or holidays left, take advantage of them. If you’re self-employed, consider taking on a little less work than you usually do. If you have the time, it’s also worth considering having a change of scene. Whether it’s an exotic holiday or a short breakaway on a long weekend, some time away from home could give you the boost you need to get back to work motivated on a Monday morning. Set Yourself Realistic Goals Aiming for the skies is admirable and we certainly aren’t saying you shouldn’t be ambitious, but it’s more about how you structure your objectives. When you focus on a big target for the future, it can be difficult to stay motivated as the finish line always seems so far away. Feeling like your day didn’t amount to anything is a common cause of burnout. Instead, try breaking up what you need to do in smaller increments. This way, you’ll still be working towards a meaningful goal, but you’ll be masking it with smaller, more attainable, targets. Don’t Try to Do Everything Yourself Some of the most influential people in business got where they are by identifying a problem and saying, “This is how it should be done.” Once you’ve identified that target, though, it’s sometimes better to delegate power to those around you. Not only will this free up some of the burdens you have, your colleagues or employees will also be glad to have some extra responsibility. If you’re in charge of a team, there’s a lot of pressure on you to get the best out of everyone. Consider restructuring your office so you have smaller teams working on certain goals, rather than spending all night planning a schedule for everyone to follow. If necessary, consider hiring or contracting extra staff for a project.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Personal Brands Stop Lying - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Personal Brands Stop Lying - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career You know who you are. You tell us you will get it done â€" and you don’t. You tell us you got it done â€" and you didn’t. You tell us where you will be â€" and you are not. You tell us you understand the situation and are prepared â€" and you haven’t given it a thought. You tell us you used airline miles, when you actually put it on the company credit card. You say you will be back to relieve someone else on their shift, but somehow traffic delayed you â€" again. First you are informally demoted when someone else has to be brought in to do the mission critical portion of your job. Then, you are angry and irritable about feeling “underutilized,” so you lose your job. You have a tower of accusations or excuses. To us, your family and friends, your defenses actually are credible the first and second time.   After all, there really are impossible jobs with terrible bosses, and good people get fired. But, the baseball rule (three strikes and you’re found out) solves the puzzle of what you say happened versus what really happened. Three of the best liars I know are able to look me straight in the eye and lie without blinking. They’re also performance artists: they cry real easily or get angry when they’re called out. They wonder aloud why no one trusts them. How could their character be so impugned? Why do we keep reminding them of what needs to be done? Why do we keep seeking assurances that it’s been done? When lying is part of your personal brand, part of how you cope or how you roll, you are eventually exposed and everyone around you is exhausted from working with you â€" or accommodating you. The path of destruction The path of your destruction: the missed deadlines, the thrown together projects, and the loss of our time, money and opportunity hang like a shroud around you. The anxiety about what will be done, what will not be done, what will be half done and what will be undone but lay undiscovered for months so destroys our relationship with you, that any other amazing contribution you make has no appreciable value. Lying is so stupid and debilitating to your career, that it’s most shocking when a smart, confident and ambitious person does it. It’s stupid because you lose all credibility, trust, respect and regard from the rest of us. No matter what other qualities you have, being a liar defines you. Whether you lie reliably (about pretty much everything) or intermittently (which really destabilizes our relationship with you), just quit it. Cold turkey. People quit smoking, drinking, overeating, biting their nails, creating clutter, and a whole host of other self-destructive habits in service of self-actualization. Consider that lying is a career-ending pattern for you. It’s disrespectful and disruptive to society â€" even if that society is just your workplace. If you know me, you know I am Dr. Seuss’ Heloise the elephant. “I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant’s true 100%.” And I recognize that no one on earth is able to perform 100% on any given day. I suffer from making the same mistakes and experiencing the accidents of life just like everyone else. So, this isn’t a diatribe about your computer really crashing, a family member really falling ill or a sudden detour sign taking you off route. It’s about the truth and our trust. Let sleeping dogs lie. You keep your word. Note to other elephants: Consider sharing this post by email with the people who lie to you. Subject line: “Can you believe this?” Author: Nance Rosen is the author of Speak Up! Succeed. She speaks to business audiences around the world and is a resource for press, including print, broadcast and online journalists and bloggers covering social media and careers. Read more at NanceRosenBlog. Twitter name: nancerosen.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Easy Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills on a Resume

Easy Tips to Improve Your Writing Skills on a ResumeIf you need some help with your writing skills, you may be surprised to find out that there are several tips that can help you get started. Some of these tips will also come in handy for those who are trying to improve their writing skills and those who are considering a career change.When you first start out in the world of writing, you will find that it is easy to get caught up in the excitement of basic grammar rules and spelling. One way to get past this phase is to go over your work before you put it on paper. While you may need to revise it, you will find that this will give you the confidence that you need when you are writing.Writing your resume can help you get a sense of how you should dress for your job and even your personal appearance. A good rule of thumb to follow is to choose a clothing style that makes you look your best for your job. The next time you are working on your resume, make sure that you don't pick up clo thes that will cause you to look bad on the job. It is much better to avoid it all together, so choose styles that compliment your best features.When you think about it, it can be difficult to find motivation when you are trying to improve your writing skills. There are many things that people do on a daily basis that can make them lose their focus. One way to keep yourself focused is to take the time to relax and write on a regular basis.When you are having a hard time finding work, it can be difficult to know which opportunities are worth pursuing because you don't have the proper attitude for a job search. It can help to know that writing a resume is not difficult, but making sure that you actually get a job that can help you is. Your resume can become a stepping stone for you to get a job that you want to work at.If you aren't feeling up to the challenge of writing for a particular project, consider that learning from someone else can help you improve your writing skills. Consid er taking a writing class that will allow you to learn from someone who has written a winning resume for you. By doing this, you can get some feedback that will help you be better when you are trying to write a resume for a job.Your resume is your way of showing employers what you are capable of doing. It can help you get a job or any other type of position that you are interested in. Taking the time to check your skills and talents can help you become more professional and show employers what you can do.There are many ways that you can learn to improve your writing skills. Whether you are looking to take a writing class or just learn some new tricks for your resume, you can learn. The best way to learn is by applying what you have learned to your writing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Five Signs That You Are Not Ready to Work With a Resume Writer

Five Signs That You Are Not Ready to Work With a Resume Writer Occasionally I have to turn a prospect for a resume project away because I have determined that they really arent ready to work with me. There are five signs that a person is just not in the right place to begin a resume project and doing so would lead to frustration rather than a positive experience. Are you any of these people?You dont have time to be part of the process. Resume writing is a very collaborative process. Expect to spend time being interviewed by the writer or completing some sort of questionnaire so the writer can gather the appropriate information. Forwarding them a copy of your old resume and expecting them to glean the best information from it wont cut it. If you are extremely busy, under an enormous amount of stress, or just in a really bad place emotionally, this might not be the best time to embark on an overhaul of your resume.You havent spent any time thinking about the value you can bring to an employer. The writers job is to best represent you and advertise the benefits you can bring to an organization. But they can only write from the information you supply. A good writer will ask targeted questions to get at the key information that they need to write a strong resume for you. You must be willing to be introspective about your past experience. You need to start thinking less about your job tasks and more about what makes you good at what you do. If you wait until the day you meet your writer to discuss what you have accomplished, you are sure to omit key information or forget something that could help the writer do a better job.You expect your writer to write about skills you dont have. If you have an expectation that the writer is there to embellish your experience or suggest you have competencies you dont, forget about it. An ethical writer will only create a true representation of your skills. We dont make stuff up.You cant let go of anything. If you are so attached to the great work you did on a Y2K project in 1999 or your stella r GPA in 1982, you will struggle with one of the real benefits of working with a writerthe ability to look at all of your accomplishments objectively and showcase the ones that have the most relevance in the current market. Approach the process with an open mind and let the writer help you make decisions about the content.You want a resume that looks just like the sample one on the writers website. Dont get me wrong. its a great idea to review sample resumes to get an idea of the writers style. But dont expect your resume to look like the one on the sample page. That resume represents someone elses experience. Yours needs to represent you and you alone. This isnt the drive through window at McDonalds where every hamburger is the same; its more like a salad bar that mixes and matches the best choices for each individual.

Friday, May 8, 2020

159 Amanda Blesing Executive Impact - Jane Jackson Career

159 Amanda Blesing Executive Impact - Jane Jackson Career Businesses with women in leadership equal to men deliver a 36% higher return to shareholders. However, many women Amanda Blesing speaks with say they feel lost in their leadership quest.As one of Australias freshest thinkers speakers on feminine ambition, ­ how to tackle it, spark it and see it flourish Amanda helps career-minded women in leadership to build their presence, positioning and personal brand, then fast-track their progress pathway to the boardroom.Since her last role as CEO of SOCAP Australia, she have helped more than 600 people speak out and take charge of their careers or their organisations.How Amanda helps:? Mentoring one-on-one | strategic leadership development for women ? Corporate talent pipeline leadership development ? Public speaking | keynotes | Emcee | workshopsAmanda was nominated for a Telstra Business Women Award and the AFR 100 Women of Influence Award in 2016.Amanda has been featured on Huffington Post, The Age, Sunday Life, SMH, ABC radio, Business Chicks, The Australian Minerals Institute Bulletin Spice Magazine. Her recent book, ‘Step Up, Speak Out, Take Charge’ is a woman’s guide to getting ahead in her career.We have a fascinating conversation about Amanda’s early career aspirations and her career transitions from teaching, to dance, to fitness, to corporate and the entrepreneurship.     A fabulous journey that is filled with joy and achievement.Amanda’s top tips for success:Back yourselfSell yourselfOwn your expertiseTo build your brand effectively and attract the career of your dreams, Personal Branding for Career Success Program guides you every step of the way to project an authentic and credible brand. Where to find  Twitter: @amandablesing